Sunday, October 21, 2012

Looking for a panhead top end!!

Instead of trying to build second bike this winter with money I don't have, I'm going to rebuild my bike this winter and throw a panhead topend on my motor.  So I'm in the market. I'd prefer to do some sort of trade for my shovel topend

Barbers or busted

Well as I'm sure everyone has already heard, barbers was an all the way bitchin time.  I love when all your friends from around the country meet up and have a killer time.  I was lucky enough to
Kill a deer with my bike, ride to Birmingham and back with Dan and Andy with no real problems, party my brains out, work on choppers shitfaced, get my bank account hacked, almost get taken out by a cop, toast a rear cylinder, not get laid, and have an all around incredible time.  I'm already stupidly excited for what next year brings.  Thanks again to the haints and their ladies for all the hospitality, especially Bowles and Allison for putting us up and taking care of my blacked out self Friday night.   See you all again very soon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Barbers wrap up...

Dustin finished his panhead with an assist from Moon's generator. Andy, Dustin, Moon, and I did more tattoos and we all rode more choppers. Moon and Lindsay are exceptional humans and the most gracious hosts ever. All the Haints will be greatly missed. Hope to see all of them in Chicago this December! I'm not much of a writer so I'll shut up now. Here's some pics from our adventures the last week.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Alabama and Barbers has been incredible.

I've given and gotten tattoos, rode motorcycles, caused trouble, and spent time with far away friends for three days straight now. I'm beat and there's still 2 days left!! Here's some pics!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Show Class Milwaukee & my bike works again...

Show Class is about to embark on a "city series" and Milwaukee was fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to participate. We have about 1/2 of the content shot and ready at this point. We shot one of Warren's bikes tonight and were lucky enough to have a babe friend of ours model on it as well. You'll have to stay tuned to see the results.

Oh and I got my bike back together with the new oil tank. A huge amount of credit is due to Dana's exceptional welding skills on my rear exhaust pipe.

Photos below of the exhaust fab and me with some hog brothers earlier in the week.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I don't really care too much to ever own a knuck (unless they stop costing $20k) but this thing is pretty awesome. Definitely one of my favorite modern choppers I've seen.